Reach out your hand if your cup be empty
If your cup is full may it be again
Let it be known there is a fountain
That was not made by the hands of man
The Grateful Dead: "Ripples"
Jay and Pearly's night
Pearly and Jay go by the harbor and the road along the sea, passing the Public Swimming Pool. Pearly turns to Jay and ask him if he wants to dive in? "Yes, but not here, let's go back a little."
They turn and go back about 200 meters.
Jay has been swimming here before, but a long time ago now...
They lock the bikes together and to a pine-tree with chirping Cicadas above their heads.
They walk down to some boulders by the sea and undress. "Just to warn you, I never wear underwear here in this climate", Jay looks at her to see how she will react. She just smiles, "there's no one to see us here when we enter the sea, so I am not shy about that, in fact, it sounds good to be completely naked with you and the Mediterranean Sea!" Jay laughs and feels very happy again! They both dive in and feel good about it. Jay dives all the way down to the bottom and then turns and swims up to the surface again. Pearly is just a few meters away from him and watching him. He smiles and says;"waiting for something?" "Yes," she says, "as I have for some years now..."
Jay swims up to her and puts his arms around her neck and his nose to hers. They just stay like this and then the kiss comes, almost by itself as the situation is very ripe for it...
Let's swim a little further out, says Pearly and they do. They swim for about 50 meters and then they turn again, swimming back to the boulders. Very close together.
They climb up to their clothes and dress in silence. Both know that this has been a blessed moment for them.
They walk hand in hand underneath the pine-trees and sniff in the strong smell of the trees.
"You, know, Jay, we have never been close, that is; close enough to appreciate the depth of our relationship." "My dear Pearl, today you said dear to me for the first time as you meant it. I felt very touched by it."
"I always mean it, but disguise it I guess; just because we have never taken the final step towards each other. We are both afraid to be too close, I think."
"Let's go home, Pearly, and spend the night together underneath my roof. I think we both need it." She smiles at him and says: "let's do that, Jay, my good, good friend."
They do and arrive at the house in a very short time; as they are both eager to have their night together, for the first time.
When they enter inside, Pearly says that it has been a torture being with him for so many years without touching and hugging and kissing...
He tells her about his thoughts in this matter. He has held back his feelings because she was a friend and his secretary and then he couldn't ask her to couple up with him on top of that. She just looked at him; "what! Why not?"
"I am always very cautious about being too intimate with a friend. I believe it may ruin the friendship. If I become too intimate with a friend it will also affect our relationship within the larger group of friends."
"On top of that I think I am shy and cautious by nature and feel that I am not good enough for a diamond like you, Pearl."
She looks at him again and says: "A sweet and good man like you is better than any diamond, Jay; your character and stamina makes you a diamond to me."
Jay doesn't know what to say or do in this situation... "Come on, Jay! Go get her!" It's L.J.'s voice in his head again...
He smiles and laughs simultaneously now and tears are running down his cheeks.
"Oh, Jay, what is happening now?" says Pearly.
"He is here again and tells me to act as I should in a situation like this!" "Who?" "L.J.! He tells me to go and get you!" "Yeah! And are you going to?" "Yes I definitely am!"
He went across the floor, took Pearly's hand and led her into the bedroom.
"No time for showering in this first meeting", he said and she didn't protest.
They fell down into the bed. Clothes were torn off bodies and very soon they were naked with the duvet on the floor. They twisted around, kissing, licking, and biting. Stroking and touching; and when she opened up for him it was followed by a scream of lust and longing from both of them.
Their love play went on for 2 hours and then they both fell asleep like they were dead.
Nine o'clock in the evening they woke up, looked at each other and both agreed that; now it was time for a shower - together.
They went into the bathroom hand in hand with a big grin on their faces.
She turned on the shower, soaped herself in, while he was standing beside her, watching her beautiful and slender body. She turned to him and said:"you are welcome in too, Jay". He stepped underneath the shower and helped her soap in her body; all over. She turned to him and did the same for him. When finished, she turned and put her hands on the wall and invited him to enter her again. He did. He slid into her and started a very slow movement from his pelvis area. He kept on like this and then stopped, but kept himself inside her as far in as he could, moving ever so slightly and carefully. They were staying like this for 20 minutes and she screamed and cried and shook all over; then she began to slide down the slippery wall until she was standing on her knees on the floor. He followed and was still inside her when they both fell to the floor. Still he didn't pull back. They were as one now, in two bodies, but so entwined with each other that it felt like one body; giving itself all this pleasure...
Finally they fell all the way down, he slipped out of her and down on his stomach, beside her.
They laughed and laughed until they cried; mixing their tears with the still running water from the shower.
They managed to get up on their knees again and have another shower; holding each other and gently kissing and nibbling whatever part of their bodies they could reach.
"AH!!" Jay cried out, "It's such a long time ago and when you are the one I am having all this pleasure with, I surely must be in heaven now"...
She grinned at him and went for the towels. She threw one at him and started to dry him. He just stood still and enjoyed it all; what had happened and what was happening in the moment.
She dried him all over and looked up at him, saying: "How do you like your secretary now, my dear?"
"She has been perfect at all she has done for me up to this day, but now she has reached the state of a Star for me! Thank you, my love!"
At this, she looked at him and tears were running down her cheeks... She didn't say anything at first, but after drying herself, she turned to him and said:” I never thought this was going to happen and right now you called me "my love". I need some time to comprehend what has really happened, but I am going to stay with you for a while, if you will let me?"
"Stay with me Pearl, stay with me as long as you want; for ever if you like!"
"We need to land; at least a little now. Would you like to prepare a meal together with me? I have bought some chicken today; we can share it, can't we?"
"Yes, my friend, lover and boss! I am not leaving before you throw me out."
"That's a really good secretary statement, Pearly!"
In the kitchen they were almost dancing around the counters and chairs and tables as they prepared the chicken and salad. They couldn't hold back their caressing, stroking and touching, but the dish was made ready; with love, I must say...
Jay opened a bottle of his favorite Italian wine from the Piemonte area in the Northern part of Italy and poured it up in two tall wine glasses.
"Taking out the best I have today, Pearl."
"To make it even better you can call me what you called me earlier today: "My Love." She smiled at him". As you wish my Love!"
Finally they both sat down at the kitchen table. They were both happy with being kitchen attracted. Jay, because he was used to it from home, since he was a kid. Pearly because she was used to a huge dark oak dining table with only her and her parents, each seated in their own corners and with servants waiting on them.
She had hated it and since she moved from them, she had always preferred a simpler way of living.
They ate all the food, both hungry after the love-making and the excitement from the stories that Jay had told earlier...
Now they sat down in his office to talk about where to go from here. Pearly lived in a studio in the center, not far from "The Egg", as Jay called Agio To Kokkora. She said she would be happy to live with him in his house, "forever", she added.
"You are welcome, forever, My Love!" was Jay's response, "finally."
They became quiet as they sat together in his sofa, drinking wine. Finally Pearly turned to him and said: "Seriously, Jay, what are you going to do with all these events happening to you?"
"I have to take them as they come, don't I? I have to see if I can find if there are some certain patterns to them and go from there."
"While I was walking "the plank" in the kitchen, I found that I just had to be tantric about what happens; go with the flow; don't fight it. Follow my heart and my soul and; hopefully L.J.
I think he is going to run me up the walls soon. He really feels that I need it. He says I am stuck."
"In what way, stuck?" "That I have let myself being captured by career, money, work and things that really don't count in this life."
But you are, working because you need the money and you like your profession don't you? I can't see that you are very demanding and ladder climbing."
"No, you are right about that, but sometimes I think I am too modest. I have received some comments on that lately..."
"These sources say that I am squandering my talents. What I do is ok, but it's too small. These sources are among others; me and my past. Where I come from one shouldn't think oneself being better than others. So I was taught to keep my head down, so to speak."
"I have been happy here, with my bicycle and the few clients I have and my good friends, some better than others!"
Jay raised his glass towards Pearly and she smiled and said "cheers!"
"So, you want to stay for ever, seriously?" Jay said", marriage?"
"We can think about that for a while, but the “for ever” phrase sounds good to me!"
"Ok, so that's settled then. I want you to stay, you know." "Yes, of course I know! I am a woman, you know."
"Yes... I know"
Jay looked at her and asked her what she was thinking of the whole situation he had stumbled into.
She looked at him and said: "please, give me some time to think, Jay. What has happened is so way out of line for me that I need to adjust to what it all may apply to."
"What I see though, is that the man I love has had some experiences that I cannot explain, but just observe; as I see you struggling, my dear, and I want to stand by you all the way and hopefully some day I will understand what has happened. I think that when that day arrives I will have learned a lesson I cannot comprehend today."
"That's a statement I can live with, absolutely, Pearly. I am very grateful to you, as I am to Earl for standing by me. I am afraid I will need it and hope that it will not be too much for my best friends."
He paused and said: "Pearly, I need to go to bed now and to have you by my side"...
"Let's go to bed and thank you for one of the best days I have had for a long time. I feel that I have landed into something good!" She rises up from her chair and comes around the table to kiss him all over his face; “Thank you, my love! Thank you"...
And again they go hand in hand into the bedroom...
Jay feels consolidated...
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